First time holidays with my kid: What to pay attention of
Are you going on holidays with the new member of your family? The time has come for the difficult family responsibilities…
The truth is that the first time on holidays with your child you don’t really relax. The only thing that changes is that you don’t have to go to the office, but the responsibilities towards your child are too many that the relaxation remains just a dream. Of course that doesn’t mean you have to stay home, but organize appropriately and think of the summer holidays from a different perspective: as a period that you can, focus on your baby, without stress! Working parents can surely understand the value of being. 24 / 7 with your baby. So, get ready to keep notes and design your vacation by giving priority to the baby. By
Planning holidays
Destination: Holidays on isolated islands are past (or belong to the…….distant future). Choose a place with shallow and warm waters. Make sure there is a hospital in case you need medical help.
Transportation: It would be better to avoid long distances that may cause stomach problems to the child or make him/her feel unpleasant. If you travel via ship or train, book a cabin in order to have a private place to sleep or wash the baby. Believe me, if you travel in deck it will be really difficult to have place for these things.
Accommodation: The best thing is to book a hotel with the appropriate facilities for babies. In Greece there are too many hotels that can provide you with babysitting, playgrounds, family hotels, swimming pools for kids and children menus. In case your budget doesn’t allow you, make sure the room or the hotel you book has a kitchen so as to prepare water for the baby’s milk, chamomile or whatever you may need at any moment. For camping funs things become a little more difficult, maybe not for you has got used to it, but for….. Your neighbors who will have to wake all the time by baby crying. A good perspective could be a trailer. Generally speaking, If you need relaxation and comfort it would be better to book a more expensive hotel for less days than a cheap hotel for many days.
Nutrition: Nutrition issue for most couples who don’t have children is the las thing to discuss about when planning holidays. A child leads you to plan your holidays very carefully. If you have an infant, its your responsibility to prepare the milk or first dishes. So, you need a stove, equipped with all the necessary domestic appliances (fridge, camping gaz, coffee pot, a small saucepan) and of course sterilizer for baby’s bottle. In case the child is older, things become easier, since a good restaurant would suit you.
Company: The best company for your child’s first holidays is always grandparents. They contribute a lot the child’s needs and can give you some moments of relaxation. Avoid being with your friends without children on your first holidays, it’s possible that when you return in the hotel room to sleep, they are getting out for a drink. Prefer friends and relatives who have children at the same age with yours, in order to have a pleasant company both, you and your child.
As organized is your holidays suitcase as more possible would be to have a great and successful holiday.
- Prepare a special suitcase with your clothes and underwear for the baby. Take a lot in order to avoid washing during your holidays. Get many dippers and towels.
- In another bag put domestic equipment and your baby’s medicine. You should get some advice from your pediatrician about medicine you must have with you. Generally, the baby’s cosmetics, apart from shampoo, bath foam, baby dippers, scissor, and batonetes) should be:
Body lotion
Cream for sunburns,
Cream for bees or mosquitoes bites,
Syrup for fever,
Syrup for allergies,
doctor’s phone number.
In the same bag put creams, bottles, dippers and pacifiers.
- Finally, in smaller bag put the necessary beach dolls, trucks, boats, buckets and shovel. Don’t forget the fairytales and it’s favourite doll or teddy bear.
- On the list of all necessary things is always baby’s swimsuit, baby stroller and a small portable fridge in order to keep baby food and milk in the correct temperature while being on the beach.
Try to prepare all those things thoughtfully, because only a few people arrange a trailer for their transportation. In case these specific holidays remind you of moving, welcome to the new parents club!
Mommy’s bag
Mothers owe to be ……ready at any time, so our everyday bag has to be too big . You should have with you:
A baby bottle with fresh water,
food in a bottle or in a tapper,
bags for dirty dippers,
a light blanket,
two small towelsδυο μικρές πετσέτες,
a toy,
a second set of clothes.